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At Atoll Marine Conservation Centre, our vision is a more sustainable and concious local society, where the people and the ocean are connected again.

Our Mission, is to raise awareness about the marine envrionment with a focus on sea turtles and coral reefs, through local community engagement.

We aim to reach as many social groups as possible, to talk about envrionmental threats and soultions in the Maldives, in the hopes that locals and tourists can work together for a cleaner and healthier envrionment.

​To help streamline our conservation efforts, we have four main goals that we focus on. Read more about our goals below.

Sea Turtle Rescue & Rehabilitation


At Atoll Marine Centre, one of our primary goals is turtle rescue and rehabilitation.


Every day, our marine team takes care of our injured turtle patients. We also accept turtle hatchlings that have been kept illegally as pets, and rehabilitate them so they can be released back into the ocean. 


Find out more about our sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation work.


We believe that raising awareness in our local community is one of the most important ways we can protect our reefs, seagrass meadows and all the animals in between.


Find out more about how we are involved in the local community.

Community Outreach


Here in Naifaru, we have our very own coral garden, situated adjacent to our house reef!


We conduct regular maintanence on our coral frames and collect data on the corals we plant, so that we can monitor their health and growth.


Find out more about our coral resoration efforts.

Coral Health & Restoration


Being based on the island of Naifaru, we want to protect the island and its surroundings. 


As an island nation, waste management is a huge problem in the Maldives. Local and uninhabited islands lack sufficient waste management infrastructure, which often results in lots of litter on the beaches and in the ocean surrounding these islands. 

We believe it is important to look after our island and its surroundings. 


Read more to find out what we do to protect Naifaru and its surrounding, particularly focussing on the waste management issue. 


Protecting Naifaru & Surroundings

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